6 Biggest muscle building myths and facts丨by agathiyan


     The 6 biggest myths in muscle building from the many out there that can be responsible for confusing you make you lose your way prevent you from obtaining  that body you crave for in the shortest time possible and turn you into one of those guys who trained and trained but never see results.

 The six biggest muscle building myth is:

  1. The more I train the more it'll show
  2.  Lifting dumbbells increases the muscles volume and so on.........


 myth #1: 
                    The more I train the more it'll show 

        Desperation for  muscle building as fast as possible can easily force people to make this big mistake .however truth is that during a workout session a lot of muscle tissue gets damaged and it takes some time for it to recover and even longer to make muscle grow training the same muscle every day doesn't allow the body to repair it completely .

let alone make it bigger this will lead to no muscle gain or even losing the muscle.

                                        you already had believe it or not.

"I have better results broadening and strengthening my legs when I train them only once a week" .

myth #2 

           Workouts are effective only if it hurts the day

                    After following this rule where sooner or later lead you to over training.

     It's common to feel sore the day after working out when you first start to exercise but once you've hit the gym for over a month. 

    Feeling pain from more than two days is a clear sign of over training, however when muscles are growing at their best rate the pain is very light or you might not even feel any.

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 myth #3

             Supplements are key if I include them in my routine 

           I can forget about following a meal plan whether because of lack of knowledge or the dirty marketing campaign supplement companies often do many people think these products have some kind of supreme power to make muscle mass grow quickly.

          We can even be deceived to believe it's not possible to  muscle building without them some supplements do help and make our lives easier like whey protein and creatine among others which in addition come from natural sources but the difference they make is only 10 to 30 percent in the best of cases.

         Don't think for a second that buying any of these supplements and keeping your diet as it is will make the difference between not putting on a single gram of muscle mass and gaining 4 to 5 pounds a week.

          If you find a supplement claiming it can do that it's a lie.

         Whey is very good because it makes it easier for us for  muscle building with just one 1.5 or even 3 ounces of protein and just a small shake to eat as much protein with the meal such as with eggs and meat requires

         Much more quantity of food creatine has helped me increase my strength and reduce muscle recovery time after working out but it didn't make it twice as fast only in a small percentage.

 myth #4:

                Lifting dumbbells increases the muscles volume 

         Some exercises are designed to muscle building and others to give their shape many people say lifting dumbbells increases the muscles volume and then machine exercises gives to the shape saying this is false and is an understatement it's even funny to think a muscle will change its shape depending on the exercise it's true that different exercises work different parts or angles of a muscle.

For example :

                   Doing incline bench press will put more focus on the upper chest than flat bench press but a bar a machine dumbbell to muscle they're all the same thing an exercise either makes muscle contract or doesn't in other words it makes it work or it doesn't muscles don't have shape change features 

                    What does happen is that each exercise works out different groups of accessory muscles and concentrate strength in different ways 

                    Lagi Isolasi Diri, Cristiano Ronaldo Pamer Perut Sixpack

For example:

                 Doing bench presses with dumbbells work out the triceps and forearm accessory muscles.

                When the same exercise done with a bar the weight is distributed more evenly as a result for our muscles work less and the core where it gets concentrated on the chest when we train chest muscles with the butterfly machine triceps lose great part if not all of their role as accessories as a rule of thumb free weights involve more accessory muscles than machine exercises

myth # 5:

         High reps define the shape, low reps pump up the volume

                            This is a very common myth so it requires explanation less than 15 repetitions per set can make muscles grow that much is true the reason is that this type of training makes fast twitch muscles fiber work and they're the ones responsible for increasing muscle mass these fibers can be stimulated with the relatively small amount of reps when considerable strength is applied.

        The more repetitions we do the more residue is produced in the muscle that's being trained this produces an acidity in the muscle the pain you feel when you do too many repetitions this pain that acidity produces is what makes you stop exercising but feeling it does not necessarily mean that its fibres work the way they should have high reps more than 15 increases the muscles ability to recover energy but this doesn't mean they will grow another common belief is that high reps sculpt or define muscles but this is absolutely incorrect .

                    Man, Board, Drawing, Muscles, Strong  

        The only way of achieving that goal is by reducing our body fat percentage because fat covers or hides our muscle.

        We either defined the muscle of all of our body or we don't define any without a reduction in body fat muscles don't become more noticeable no matter how many sets we do additionally .

        You cannot lose belly fat but keep armand lake that unchanged 

         when we do start losing fat it's probable that some muscles will gain more definition faster than others depending on how its distributed in your body.

         Some people tend to store more fat around the legs and buttocks others around the waistline and belly some people accumulate fat around the face area and others don't.

myth # 6:

   If he looks big and bulky he must know how to build muscle         mass

                     Sadly the truth is many of those huge guys you see at the gym have a natural genetic predisposition to develop big muscles without much difficulty and even neglecting their diet as a result many live under permanent false beliefs about what it makes muscles grow.

             I'm not saying all of them are wrong many barney guys may be correct in what they say I'm just calling attention to the fact that you should not let appearances deceive.



        You the best examples to follow our gym pals who you know used to be skinny didn't have it easy putting on weight in developing a spectacular muscle mass but who nevertheless succeeded without recurring to steroids these guys had to learn .

How to overcome their genetic tendency to remain skinny by improving their diet and workout habits .

These were the six biggest baddest lies about muscle building :


  1.     Unfortunately these are only a few of the many other false beliefs out there 
  2.      Never forget that for many people this is mostly a business.
  3.     So the best thing you can do is trust your common sense research and look for reliable information and try different things to see what works best for you.

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