9 tricep workouts at gym to build strength and gain muscle丨by agathiyan


        Your tricep muscle is formed from three different heads first you've got the long head which is that the part of the tricep located within your upper arm than on the surface of your arm.

                    you've got the lateral head which for many people is that the most visible and recognizable portion of the tricep, especially when looking from a side or a front angle, and eventually, underneath those two heads.

                     60% to 70% of your overall arm size. so if you would like to develop bigger and wider arms it's extremely important that you simply work all three tricep heads correctly and effectively. so today I would like to offer you nine of the simplest tricep exercises at the gym.

1) close grip bench press:

                                 starting first with one among the foremost effective compound exercises that focus on primarily the lateral and therefore the medial try subheads the close grip bench press our triceps are highly involved even with a daily bench press except for the close grip bench press, there are a few differences that help target your tricep to a way greater degree.

 close grip bench press

   HOW TO DO :

               First, you would like to get on a bench under a barbell and grab it with a better grip where your hands are about shoulder-width apart.
 While you'll go a touch closer don't take too close of an edge because if you are doing you're gonna strain your wrists on every rep as you bring the bar down before unwrapping the bar confirm you plant your feet into the bottom, your shoulder blades should be pulled back together and you ought to also maintain an arc in your spine then unwrap the bar bring it over your chest and lower the barbell down, unlike the regular bench press.

 we would like to aim to bring the bar a touch under our nipple line right around where our sternum ends (or) where your upper abs meet the lower part of your chest on your way.

 Down your elbow should be nice and tight to your body don't flare your elbows out because that'll put unwanted tension on your shoulders and on your wrist and it will also put you into a weak position.

 Stop the barbell about an in. or two above your chest before pressing the barbell copy to stay constant tension on your triceps muscle. throughout the whole exercise then repeat for reps
REPS: 15-20
SETS: 3-5

2) Dips:

                Another great compound exercise for the triceps is that the dip dips on bars will primarily work the lateral head of your tricep they'll also hit the long head pretty effectively and therefore the medial head also at the highest of the contraction before lockout to start.


                 you'd grab the 2 bars then you'd hope u and lock your elbows out in order that you're hovering over the bars. you'll perform dips in two alternative ways one of which can target more of your chest while the opposite will target more of the triceps.

                 if we were getting to target more of the chest during a dip we might want to lean forward however, since we're trying to focus on the triceps you would like to consider keeping your body as vertical as possible. 

                 And your chest up throughout the whole dip therewith in mind lower yourself down until your shoulders are about parallel together with your elbows or simply a touch less than your elbows then press copy by extending your elbows until your arms are fully locked out and you're back to your original starting position from there.

                 just repeat four reps when doing dips to confirm that you are not flaring your elbows out instead they ought to be nice and tight to your sides and your wrist should be straight throughout the whole exercise.

REPS: 8-10

3) French curl:

                           For the next one, we have an excellent isolation exercise that really helps target that long inner tricep head as well as the medial head it's called the French curl also known as the tricep overhead extension.


                     We can do this with an EZ bar (or) we can use a dumbbell both can work but today I'll be using a dumbbell to begin you'll first want to take a seat on a bench with a heavy dumbbell resting over one of your knees once you get stronger and you're lifting.

                     I have your weight load you'll have to use some momentum to get the dumbbell up over your head. so pop the dumbbell up with your knee and place it on top of your shoulder for you to be able to readjust your grip from there you want to grab the dumbbell by the circular weight at the end with one hand stacked on top of the other.

                      The bars of the dumbbell resting in the webbing between your pointer fingers and your thumbs then press the weight above your head until both your arms are locked out to get it into the starting position from where you want to slowly lower the weight down behind your head while keeping your elbows nice and close together.

                     Although a little bit of elbow flare is okay don't flare your elbows out too far as this will decrease the effectiveness of the exercise once your hands are about parallel with your elbows or a little lower extend your elbows and raise the dumbbell until your arms are once again locked out above your head then repeat for reps ideally to use heavyweights.

                      you want to perform this exercise on a bench with a low cut backrest to take your core out of the equation and shift more tension onto the triceps.

REPS: 10-20
SETS: 3-5

4) Single-arm reverse grip cable tricep extension:

                            Another great exercise to target that inner long head is the single-arm reverse grip cable tricep extension.


                      For this one, you'll first want to raise the pulley all the way up to the top of the cable cross and attach a D handle then grab the D handle with a supinated grip so your palm should be facing up and your knuckles should be facing down lift the weight up by bringing the D handle down until your forearm is slightly higher than parallel to the floor at the gym.

                     So your elbow joint will be at about a 60 to 70-degree angle and that'll be your starting position from there while keeping your elbow tight to your ribcage extend your arm and bring the cable down until your arm is fully locked out while doing this.

                     you want to remember to keep your hand in that supinated position and concentrate on driving your knuckles towards the floor then slowly lower the weight and bring the D handle back up to the starting position and then repeat for reps.

REPS: 15-20
SETS: 3-5

5) skull crusher:

                                Next up is one of the best exercises by far for your triceps the skull crusher but today we're going to be doing it with dumbbells instead of an EZ bar.


                    We're also gonna be trying to target the long head a little more first start by grabbing two dumbbells and taking a seat on a flat bench with both dumbbells on your knees then lay back and press both dumbbells up until your arms are locked out straight above your chest from there.

                    You want to bring your arms back a bit towards your head to help you concentrate more on that long head of the tricep then bend your elbows and lower the weights down until the dumbbells pass around your ears then simply extend your arms until the dumbbells are back to their original starting position. 

                    Repeat four reps when doing these make sure you don't make the mistake of flaring your elbows out and that you're also not swinging on each rep specifically with skull crushers.

                 When bringing the weight down behind your head it's very easy to incorporate momentum and Chi by using your shoulders and lats so make sure that your elbows stay in one piece and that you're not swinging back and forth pretty much only your forearm should be moving once you get into position now out of all the exercises that I've already talked about the above messages.
                    It's a good idea to try to start your tricep workouts with either skull Crusher's close grip bench press or dips so that you can really challenge yourself and go heavy for at least one of these high-reward tricep exercises.

REPS: 10-15

6) Tricep pushdown:

                         let's move on to a very common but effective exercise for the lateral head on the outside of the tricep. For the tricep pushdown for this one, you want to raise the pulley all the way up to the top of the cable cross and attach either an EZ bar or a straight bar.


                    Grab the bar and bring it down right around to your chest while having your elbows locked close to your ribs at the same time you want to lean slightly forward so that the weight doesn't pull you off balance as you're doing reps at the gym.

                     I like to stand with a staggered stance with one foot in front of the other to help me maintain better balance but you can also perform this exercise with both feet even with each other from that position simply extend your arms and bring the bar down until your arms are once again.

                     Fully locked out then slowly lower the weight back to the original starting position and repeat for reps remember to avoid the common mistake of swinging your elbows back and forth to gather momentum.

                    You also obviously don't want to flare your elbows out and the last mistake goes hand-in-hand with this one don't lean over the bar and press the weight down this is usually a sign that you're going too heavy to be able to extend the elbows with good form.

REPS: 15-20
SETS: 3-5

7) Dumbbell kickback:

                        Another great tricep exercise that has been around forever is the dumbbell kickback but I want you guys to do this with a slight variation normally you would perform kickbacks by grabbing a dumbbell in one hand while planting your opposite hand and opposite knee on a flat bench. 


                    However, this time I want you to plant your elbow on the bench instead of your hand what that's gonna do is it's going to get your upper body a lot lower which I found to be really helpful for increasing the amount of tension placed on my tricep throughout this exercise.

                  So you can try this and see how you like it but either way, the exercise is performed the same way from here you would start with your elbow bent close to your ribs and your forearm along with the dumbbell hanging straight down towards the ground from there you would just extend your arm and bring the dumbbell straight back until your arm is fully locked out then lower the dumbbell back down. 

                Repeat for reps again it's important to remember not to swing your elbow and the dumbbell back and forth because that'll take tension off of the tricep and switch it over to the back of your shoulder as well as incorporate too much momentum.

REPS: 15-20
SETS: 3-5

8) Overhead tricep rope extension: 


ext, we have the cable overhead tricep rope extension for this one you would attach the tricep rope to a pulley that's raised all the way up on the cable cross then you would grab the rope and turn around so that the rope ends up behind your head.

             now you can do this one of two ways with the first set up your upper arms would be a little higher above parallel with the ground and you would be leaning forward in a split stance with one foot in front of the other then from there with your elbows nice and close together you would extend your arms and bring the rope straight out.

             In front of you then bring it back to the original starting position with the rope behind your head and repeat four reps again don't flare your elbows out and don't swing them back and forth while doing this exercise now the second way to perform this exercise is by going directly above the head so now instead of raising the pulley all the way up you would lower it down.

                you can do it at the gym or if you have any resistance band

REPS: 15-20

9) Diamond push-up:

                      Finally for the last exercise. I want to go over a bodyweight exercise that you can do anywhere even at home and that's the diamond push-up.


                      You would start by getting down on the ground on your knees and placing both hands close together with your fingers touching in what looks like a diamond position then straighten.

                     Your legs and come up into a push-up position with your heels your tailbone in the back of your head in a relatively straight line then lower yourself down to the ground with your elbows nice and close to your body and press back up to your original starting position then repeat for reps to make this exercise more challenging.

                     You can stack weights on your upper back before starting and as always make sure you avoid the common mistake of flaring your elbows out while doing the push-ups they should instead be close to your ribs the whole time also make sure that you don't drop your hips down and you don't raise them up too high as this not only limits the effectiveness of the exercise but it also can lead to lower back pain that about wraps it up guys.
REPS: 15-20
SETS: 3-5

                                               I really hope that you gathered knowledge and that you got at least a few new ideas on how to challenge and develop your triceps at the gym and help them grow bigger wider and stronger I would take these nine exercises and do a few of them on your first arm day of the week
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